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commandment Decalogue ark Shavuoth Moses ark of the covenant Mount Sinai Ten Commandments Shavuot testimony exodus ten Deuteronomy tenth decimal tenfold first table hundred the Ark of the Covenant Heston, Charlton deca- dime decennial de Mille, Cecil B. eighty decade sixty denary thirty eleven seventy Kieslowski, Krzysztof ninety Sinai golden calf decapod forty fifty tenner myriad c thousand decagon decile primer twenty fifteen decahedron decuple fourteen eighteen
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sixteen seventeen decimal system decemvir cuttlefish crore bel digit decathlon dicker decastyle nineteen decasyllable bill of rights squid in twelve googolplex thirteen nine tithing eagle count round ballade minyan curia decasyllabic over knockout decennium decametre pica groschen Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time decad down pin Odyssey dong decimate Security Council spare pocket veto million cohort decagram face lost tribes -ty preteen up sawbuck myriarch Trojan War jiao -teen crab lxx lx treasury note dan dime store decennary metric system yuan renminbi The Iliad mariner slow pitch deka- Richter scale 11 guru googol homer mitzvah myria- five-and-dime imperial Komodo Dragon x bowling radio spectrum HST joule shrimp KO end zone decury make decameron angstrom decalitre tenpin ozone layer keg order of magnitude polychord decibel kingpin honour tenpence Scotch whist prytanis ladyfish strike ascensiontide knock top ten nomism azharoth law token decimal currency rondeau decempedal orange denarius decimal fraction decem- fourscore gospel the Top Ten xi to l the troposphere prytany decachordon superstring guide krone eleventh the Richter scale ten-speed ten-cent store unit a very low frequency spot sephira deccapodous quint high school paolo minibus straight predicament gross dB [or] db jack high-low-jack plaice hexadecimal of are deccagynous cuttle sequence zizith decandrous transcendent tzitzit millionth take honor kyrie eleison wash break sheepshead deciare decameter [or] dekameter upsilon homeland ten–spot myriagon MX missile VLF Oberammergau tenpin bowling senior high school decaliter [or] dekaliter decastere [or] dekastere Katmai uppertendom odd cent doyen at Yom Kippur blueberry exchange high rial lute lakh synsacrum synecdoche decamer mount herring pip note above decapeptide play frame aughties lacrosse impala radiofrequency carnival handbreadth basket point tog royal flush century tens digit franc prawn myriametre carry lobster the stem hale double-digit teen bill radio wave H.S. [or] HS SARS all brisque year foot top duodecimal Grey sabertoothed tiger exile the Brownies outside ago countdown Rossi–Forel scale doorga eighties figure thirties inkblot but Cincinnati them declaration round up knock someone out twenty ten big casino chervonets sixties medium-term debt mariengroschen round down lily turret ostracism ordinary ask eye variation spot card nineties forties steel guitar fifties decagramme top ten (or twenty etc.) giant decan hang ten nth decenary house ten-strike mark dead-wood decimalize seventies dinar centesimal minus lift beat the count aggregate minute tens decangular leather fern myrtle decaphyllous decemfid agave florin decahedral bushel decima muharram squad obole G10 groggy stripper ten–cent store dime note cut–and–come–again inclusive Ephraim abdomen engage federal theology catch the ten accent meter platoon flush twenties mon banzai air list subscribe six submerged tenth escadrille nine times out of ten medium-term loan eight seven five category iteration hatch declare ratio century plant rose-noble four Oastler for stock dinero nineteen/ten to the dozen M-theory reinscribe gin ten–in–one ration apiece decemdentate no blue swimmer decemlocular worth afford share nataka -er subdecuple log laminarian military quarter reflection density frost breathing manille Biot net 10 eom dean transmission density short corner unpack Romulian spearman most tenthmetre bull's eye ban decimal place call population Octobrist cacao place value quart decimation first down quadrat landslide Lambeth Conference broadbill strengthening card horseshoe crab iambic pentameter stretch twelfth-second Brampton stock rope sombrero IMAX within headborrow absolute brightness tribe doli capax doli incapax recorder straight flush millennium saving cutter case goal to go confarreation decacerata disperse siding Baltic States dilution work radio commission Agostini, Giacomo myriare headborough Tupper, Sir Charles ten-minute rule Schengen Convention palm gale gin rummy interest charango oeuvre tribune quark-gluon plasma weigh drift perfective borrow decagonal decimet cl against decemvirate digitus irreligious bleak times cc decadal dizain paucal decastich dick piece consumption rise trident regiment phylarch Rosh Hashana elops count sb out possession nephrops physalis Pennaria Davies index of leading economic indicators high–low–jack Ten Gurus purse-crab decurion Ramayana runner-up Boccaccio, Giovanni Sturnidae moringa adrenarche Henry system hang decastere deci- say business plan Eastern time pachycephalosaur Group of Ten Israel brownie clear ton alphametic Chinese bridge poker dice find ASEAN squash pounder tenth card umpteen Queen's Scout sexagenary cycle casino umiak average lurg baccarat King's Scout hornbook be/go down to ten men affirmative Number Ten indignant factor fast thrift imbibe exactly Barnum, P. T. El Niño cryptarithm Boeotia drop icon rummy fine sen striped seaperch broomcorn Durga braggadocio Treasury bond stage tenuto sengi wall quiescence Lucan broom corn International System of Units SATS Taylor, Lawrence Remarque, Erich Maria census persecution vanishing spray ichthyosaurus colorado beetle ferry dibranchiata debenture scale decandria sharp oligosaccharide nine-tenths decagynia demi-decade dx string metalik subdecimal dkm tubing each number myriagramme dam royal cablet hemina den half sovereign step Shaftesbury, 7th Earl of megalopolis metre zone Seven against Thebes Saint Pierre and Miquelon the G10 Tribes of Israel handicap ruble togs pyrethrum philodendron suit kitchen middens outlandish intensified pyrola intensity second twill durion offing sea snake measles quadrennium deep stickleback condor parallel battleship tureen skedaddle remaining alpha stock gain skyscraper Cape Verde vine bowie knife ottava rima doctrine durian commensurate angled loofah fare dakir outcry Apgar score Rafflesiaceae diadelphous Stengel, Casey fat leeway multiform International System Marcionite jerk neon greater kudu premenstrual syndrome unaltered continuously dork people recession Sargon II triskaidekaphobia troy process counterfeit lieutenant residue dex equitable lizard skat hand Monroe medium-dated soak count out blank verse quantum leap clammy act direction constancy porcelain hamilton Katmai National Park myrialitre cowboy hat spring chicken kombi medium-term medium-term security net 10 saucy incoherent past tense petalism brink tenpenny medium-term credit mediums walk founder dreadnought add embarrassment voracity western cappuccino grain myopia hideout fury devour concurrent zehner yojan count someone out tenpins gauss honour card life scout tenthmeter span out prodigality neighborhood successive scatterbrained atonement boyfriend thereabouts offset-staff cover charge bantustan Dewey Decimal System hand-running joe numeral better panchayat long-term funds exclusive multiple ostracize dukat glee already paid agreement prankster praiseworthy jacks prophet pesky condemnation confide pathetic developed head fiscal I doubt it National Curriculum persuasive accede temper thrash freedom of speech ephah langoustine McDonald epha redoppe short bill mhorr let horse power rental inia between eared bonang numerate multiplex basketball price shakudo ten–footer merit repayable Bruckner, Anton sheaf musette Dewey, Melvil strong trust Australian Rules opacity grace period rod elephant low hurdles heptaphyllite octad octaphyllite pentane lamp measure ten to one tilla Santa Fe logarithm sonnet high hurdles -pod offer monoterpene ISBN rock-fire bay camp chamber music insider wager level of attainment dime novel intermission penny toparchy fiver gad ten-week stock tenement long-term loan lammergeier fatigue holy rhododendron want tangent undertake wont King, Billie Jean pedal steel guitar draw apochromat have job oxisol nicely credulity hectolitre bowling bag sate annoying fungible qasida Rolland, Romain distraction by dozen Cohen rhipsalis measly aluminum bronze cement maid Henie, Sonja furnish

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Words For "the ten commandments"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the ten commandments" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the ten commandments" are: commandment, Decalogue, ark, Shavuoth, and Moses. There are 908 other words that are related to or similar to the ten commandments listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the ten commandments" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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